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Living Well DC
Ethernet Cable and keyboard

Here to Help

Get ready for back to school. Visit to learn more about school vaccination requirements.
A young African-American Female Student working on a Laptop

Here to Help

Get ready for back to school. Visit to learn more about school vaccination requirements.
Close up on Male hands typing on a Laptop

Here to Help

Get ready for back to school. Visit to learn more about school vaccination requirements.

Here to Help

Get ready for back to school. Visit to learn more about school vaccination requirements.

3 block section

The DC State Broadband and Digital Equity Office (SBDEO) is a department within the DC’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO). SBDEO is working to secure federal broadband funds, and realizing a vision for DC in which every resident, every business, in every corner of DC can live, work, and thrive in the digital age—without bias or barriers.

Need help with digital inclusion, internet resources, and digital assistance?

BEAD Challenge Process

Date Released: 
Thu, 11/21/2024

**Please note: The Rebuttal Phase of the DC BEAD Challenge successfully ended on 11/7/24. However, there are some MDU Area Challenges that will continue and end on 11/18/24, and will mark the full completion of DC’s BEAD Challenge Process. Final Determinations will be made by 11/27/24.


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SBDEO Event Submission - Block A